The Siddhartha Anna Albrecht Foundation was established in August 2018 by Anna & Donatus Albrecht with the aim of promoting the education of disadvantaged children and young people.
It finances training courses, assistance with business start-ups and scholarships. The scholarship holders are accompanied through their studies as part of a coaching program and prepared for their professional life in close exchange. The foundation is also committed to promoting equal opportunities in the German education system by providing free remedial teaching at Munich elementary school.
The focus here is on the close and direct relationship between the foundation and the beneficiaries, the reduction of personal learning difficulties and the associated strengthening of self-esteem.

"Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. One can find it, live it, do wonders through it, but one cannot communicate and teach it."
Hermann Hesse, Siddharta
As Hermann Hesse describes in his book Siddhartha, every individual must go their own way. Wisdom cannot be taught: Reflection and personal development are important in order to find your own calling.
Education, training and career advice help young people on their individual path - we want to support them in following this path and achieving their goals.
We support committed young people in difficult circumstances, i.e. orphans, children and young people from socially disadvantaged families.
In order to get a comprehensive impression of the person to be sponsored, we ask for a detailed application with cover letter, CV, certificates and references.
Please send these to a.albrecht@saa-stiftung.de.

Young, disadvantaged people need our support. We would be delighted if you would like to make a contribution and ask you to transfer your donation to the following account:
Siddhartha Anna Albrecht Stiftung
IBAN: DE72700202700042856452
100% of your donations go to the projects and people to be supported. The administrative costs are borne in full by the Albrecht family.
For donations of up to 300 euros, the tax office recognizes the simplified proof of donation in conjunction with your bank statement as a donation receipt. For donations over 300 euros, the Siddhartha Anna Albrecht Foundation will send you a separate donation receipt.